Facilities & Safety
This committee was organized to work with the board to make sure that artwork donations are appropriate to the needs of the church, both aesthetically and with regard to available display space. The committee’s screening process for member artwork ensures that all donations are evaluated fairly. The Committee also manages a rotating exhibit in the sanctuary gallery space.
Building and Grounds
The Building and Grounds Committee maintains and improves the building, functioning on an as-needed basis for both small and large projects. Committee membership is fluid: volunteers respond individually or as groups to complete projects on a regularly-updated list of facility requirements. This loose confederation of dedicated souls keeps the UUCSH facility safe, clean, and cosmetically and structurally sound. Projects include spring and fall cleanups and renovations to interior and exterior spaces. Projects are assessed and prioritized by the committee chair.
Garden volunteers adopt garden plots around the church. They plant and weed throughout the spring, summer, and fall to preserve and maintain existing gardens and to create new gardens. Work parties complete year-round maintenance such as cleaning patios, weeding and cleaning parking lots, trimming trees and shrubs, mowing the lawn, and keeping walkways cleared and salted in the winter. (A professional snow-removal service maintains the parking lots in the winter).
This committee encompasses the computer network, sound system, copier and fax machine, telephones, and all other technologies in the church. The committee works with the Facilities Committee for interior modification of the building and with the congregational administrator and contractors for the maintenance of computer systems.
Toward a Safe Congregation Team (TSCT)
The TSCT is charged with implementing the Toward a Safe Congregation Policy as set forth by the Board of Trustees. We believe that our congregation must maintain a safe and secure environment where right relations can flourish. This team will oversee safety measures, provide education to our community, and implement the steps needed to respond to conflict, disruptive behavior, and/or an unsafe physical environment.