Rev. Jim Magaw

Reasons Not to Give Up

While there are many reasons to feel hopeless and despairing right now, there are also many reasons not to give up. What are the things that can help us keep the light shining even during the darkest of nights?

Free Hugs–or Not

Sometimes a hug is exactly what you need. Hugs release oxytocin and lower blood pressure.  And hugs can often defuse tense situations. But hugs can also be awkward and problematic. This service will explore the science and theology of hugging.

Pride: Protest & Party

As we celebrate Pride, it is important to remember that it was and is both a celebration and a liberation movement, a party and an uprising rolled into one.  It’s a time to look back with gratitude to some of the early leaders of the movement and to look at what still needs to be … Continued

Juneteenth for Everyone

Juneteenth is a federal holiday that commemorates the day when news of emancipation reached South Texas–more than two years after Lincoln’s Proclamation. As an affluent, mostly-white, suburban congregation, why and how is it important and appropriate for us to celebrate this holiday?

Imperfectly Happy

Perfection is the enemy of happiness, among other things. How can letting go of having to be perfect enable us to live more fulfilling and productive lives?

How is Church Different from a Restaurant

While religious communities share some things in common with commercial enterprises, there are also some fundamental differences. What are the similarities and differences and why are they important to us as members of a religious community?

The Truth About Parenting

Parenting has never been more difficult and complex than it is today. What are the lessons that all of us might learn from the challenges of being a parent in a world filled with so many uncertainties and dangers?

Interdependence and Improvisation

The practice of improvisation gives us opportunities to observe and participate in interdependence–one of the most important theological concepts for Unitarian Universalists. What can we learn about interdependence from improvisation? This service will feature improvised live music from our own Reni Monteverde and her jazz combo.

Come Healing

At a time when new wounds are inflicted on us daily–particularly for those of us who are members of oppressed and marginalized populations–when and how do we take the time for healing and restoration? How do we incorporate healing into our efforts to bring more justice into our world?

Everything is Holy

Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of our most famous Unitarian forbears, wrote: “all things are friendly and sacred, all events profitable, all days holy, all [humans] divine.” What does it mean to be part of a faith tradition that seeks the holy not just in certain places but everywhere?