The Board of Trustees met on Tuesday, November 14, 2017.

  • Peg Hart presented building updates: the electronic sign should be up by Spring. Handrails are being installed outside and redone in the stairwell to meet compliance. The gutters and the roof drainage is being addressed by the architects- and at this point they will be covering foreseeable costs. Acoustic tiles will be added to Fellowship hall and the Karl music room to help with noise.
  • Rachel Butler-Pardi: requests consideration of being a Boy Scout charter facility. She will let us know their space and time needs.
  • Sarah Yourd on behalf of the environmental justice team- requested putting the quest for Green Sanctuary status up for congregational vote. See: for more information. This is a 1-3 year process involving RE, programming, projects and positive environmental changes.
  • Adoption of consent agenda should help streamline our board meetings.
  • Janie Elliott- reports a great success with the Pumpkin Patch-$3500 after costs. This money will help seed our outreach and promotion team for mailings, and to support Sunnyhill Presents.
  • Mark Mortimer and Sarah Yourd are working on a final rental policy for the facility.
  • Regina Yankie, treasurer reported on the budget to present to the congregation December 9th. Roy has been taking over routine payments, freeing up her time for oversight.
  • Josh Broaded reports from The Financial Oversight Committee that the financial records look good, all monies appropriately collected and paid.

Sarah Yourd