Putting Our Principles into Action!

Contact socialjustice@sunnyhill.org for information and how to get involved!

The Sunnyhill Social Justice Committee is split into teams that reflect where the congregation would like to focus its energy.

This is our Social Justice Team structure:

  • Goal of each team is to table after services to reach the congregation at least once every quarter, and spread the word to the congregation about its vision
  • Two Sunnyhill members lead each team
  • Teams come together monthly to discuss progress and support one another
  • Each team selects a Share the Plate Beneficiary for one month
  • Teams work directly with community partners to further their missions

Environmental Justice

Criminal Justice

Gun Violence Prevention

Reproductive Justice

LGBTQIA+ Justice

Beloved Conversations

Additional Social Justice Initiatives include Economic Justice, Green Sanctuary, and Youth-driven Environmental Justice Projects.