This fundraiser has been providing income to Sunnyhill for at least twenty years. Each month I accept orders for Giant Eagle gift cards. These come in three denominations: $25, $50 and $100. After I place the congregation’s order and I receive the cards, I also receive an invoice. The way that the church raises funds is that we are billed for only 95% of what we order. If we order $10,000 in gift cards, we are billed for only $9500 by Giant Eagle. We get to keep 5%, or $500. It’s a pretty nice way to gain income!
Your order is due the first Sunday of each month, whatever date that happens to be. (Once every couple of years I have to change this.) The cards are distributed at both services on the second Sunday of each month. If you are not at church to pick up your cards, I can mail them to you (note that the church has no liability for items sent through the U.S. Mail.) Or, the cards can be picked up from Roy, church administrator, during his office hours.
All I need to know is how much you want to order, and if you prefer a certain denomination (for example, if you order $100 worth, do you want one $100 card, or some combination of $25 and/or $50 cards). Checks must be made out to UUCSH (not me!). They can be mailed to me, handed to me personally, or left in the Giant Eagle mailbox in the church office. (Vertical file on top of filing cabinet in office; same place where minister’s and DRE’s mailboxes are.) DO NOT put them in the white mailbox attached to the wall! That is for your pledge checks, not Giant Eagle. PLEASE do not put them there. I’ll need to know a few other things, like your name and address, and if you want to order the same amount each month, or just once in a while. Maybe a few others things, like your email address.
If you have any questions, please contact me at or find me in church.
–Ellen Vegh